Republican No More

Once upon a time, I was a good little Republican who voted for George Bush I, Bob Dole and even GWB. Then I got smart. Now I'm just pissed off.

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Location: Tennessee, Afghanistan

I'm fascinating. Enough said.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Patiently Waiting....

I have known for years now that I could no longer support the Republican party as long as they were acting like hypocrites--the out of control spending, the infringement on personal liberties, the total break down of our international persona, etc--and now I'm watching the Senate race in Tennessee with bated breath. The Republican candidate is less of a typical conservative in Tennessee than the Democratic candidate (I'm not thrilled with some of Ford's stances, but I'm working on it) and perhaps, if the stars align correctly, the voters in this state will use their brains instead of their televisions to vote.

For the first time in YEARS (the Fred Thompson campaign, to be exact), I am actually EXCITED about a candidate and that is refreshing, albeit rather surreal since he's a Memphis Democrat.


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