Republican No More

Once upon a time, I was a good little Republican who voted for George Bush I, Bob Dole and even GWB. Then I got smart. Now I'm just pissed off.

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Location: Tennessee, Afghanistan

I'm fascinating. Enough said.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Man the Battle Stations

And so the battle has begun. I would have said "woman" your battle stations, but frankly, I don't expect W. to appoint a woman. I'm so used to be underwhelmed by him that perhaps this time he will suprise me. Actually, I think maybe I might admire him more if he didn't. At least then it wouldn't look like he was pandering to one group or another. I don't believe that we necessarily have to have XX number of women, XX number of minorities, etc.

I do think the chances of him appointing anyone that the general objective population would consider "moderate" is probably slim to miniscule. And, when you come right down to it, why would he? He's sitting in the power chair right now. Karl Rove has probably been in a constant state of ecstasy since they got the call. They are clearly not going to have any sort of impressive legacy related to this godforsaken military endeavor, the social security fugabaloo is mysteriously quiet and the infamous NCLB is still followed with "and No Teacher Left Employed" in many educational circles, so I guess this is his only shot at making any real impact. Personally, I think I'd rather see him send Laura, Babs and the twins out across the country with a giant vat of flower seeds a la Lady Bird and try to some sort of spruce up project. I mean, really, when you come right down to it, in the end, those pretty flower along the interstate are the best damn presidential legacy of the 20th century and ol' W. himself couldn't even screw that one up.


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