Go, Chuck!
From Chuck Hagel:
Amen, brother, amen. Now, can you figure out a way to make the dofus at the helm listen to you? Perhaps you should start by breaking down the big words. I see lots and lots of syllables there and he doesn't seem to cotton to those. Then, I suppose, we need to throw in some dirty words because he apparently DOES cotton to those. Maybe something like this?
I'll just sit back and wait for Dr. Rice to invite me to work for the State Department.
"We should start figuring out how we get out of there.
I think our involvement there has destabilized the Middle East. And the
longer we stay there, I think the further destabilization will occur."
Amen, brother, amen. Now, can you figure out a way to make the dofus at the helm listen to you? Perhaps you should start by breaking down the big words. I see lots and lots of syllables there and he doesn't seem to cotton to those. Then, I suppose, we need to throw in some dirty words because he apparently DOES cotton to those. Maybe something like this?
We've stuck our fucking noses in there long enough and made a goddamned mess out of the whole Middle East and given all the fuckers over there a reason to hate us(at this point, we probably better show a map to him). If we don't get the hell out of Dodge, things are going to be fucked beyond fixin'.
I'll just sit back and wait for Dr. Rice to invite me to work for the State Department.