Republican No More

Once upon a time, I was a good little Republican who voted for George Bush I, Bob Dole and even GWB. Then I got smart. Now I'm just pissed off.

My Photo
Location: Tennessee, Afghanistan

I'm fascinating. Enough said.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Go, Chuck!

From Chuck Hagel:

"We should start figuring out how we get out of there.
I think our involvement there has destabilized the Middle East. And the
longer we stay there, I think the further destabilization will occur."

Amen, brother, amen. Now, can you figure out a way to make the dofus at the helm listen to you? Perhaps you should start by breaking down the big words. I see lots and lots of syllables there and he doesn't seem to cotton to those. Then, I suppose, we need to throw in some dirty words because he apparently DOES cotton to those. Maybe something like this?

We've stuck our fucking noses in there long enough and made a goddamned mess out of the whole Middle East and given all the fuckers over there a reason to hate us(at this point, we probably better show a map to him). If we don't get the hell out of Dodge, things are going to be fucked beyond fixin'.

I'll just sit back and wait for Dr. Rice to invite me to work for the State Department.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I just got a letter, I just got a letter....

okay, not JUST. It was probably a month ago, maybe more. I just cleaned out a gigantic stack of mail, most of which arrived while I was in London. The letter is a form letter, but still, it's a letter. From his honor Bill Frist. And get this? He wants ME to send him some money. And some opinions. He even included a handy dandy survey that he is insistant that I fill out and return so that I can help shape the Congressional Agenda.

It's chockablock with bold words and all caps: LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES SURVEY, SURVEY DOCUMENT, TENS OF THOUSADS OF DOLLARS, VALUABLE, IMPORTANT, COMPLETE, RETURN. And, tucked in there not once, not twice, but three times, I am assured that my contribution of $500, $250, $200, $100, $75 $50, or even $25 will help the Republicans build a "rock solid foundation of grass roots support for President Bush's Second-Term Agenda" (his caps, not mine).

My favorite quote:

Americans believe in President Bush's and the Republican Party's vision to secure a safer, stronger, feer and more prosperous future for America. They also expect that vision to be translated in action.

I guess those who don't believe are? Aliens? Canadians?

And, never let it be said that our esteemed Senator for Tennessee isn't all about the consensus building. Why heck, he even mentions the Democrats in the letter. Several times:

As Senate Majority Leader I expect the Senate Democrats to obstruct and delay us at every turn and I know groups like will distort and attack our agenda. And it is my responsibility to protect and strengthen our Republican Senate Majority.

As Senate Majority Leader I will make sure we use your valuable insights to help shape our Agenda and produce the groundswell of grassroots support necessary to overcome a Democratic filibuster.

Our strategy to oversome the Democrats' filibuster in the Senate depends on local grassroots support. So returning your completed survey along with your most generous contribution is critical. Every dollar counts.

The best way to overcome a Democrat (sic) filibuster is to show widespread grassroots support for the issue or nominee.

(bold original to the's evidently the most important point)

And that's not all, but you get the jist. What I especially love, though, more than anything in the letter, is the complete and utter lack of basic high school grammatical skills. Do you see the sentence fragments? How about the run-on sentences? He's the Senate fricking Majority Leader, as he tells me many times, and he has no one to edit him? He went to uber-schools and has numerous degrees and he can't even write a stinking sentence? Democrat filibuster...uh, the hell? What is that?

Saddest of all is that I'm getting this because I probably signed up for something when he was running for office. Clearly he never wrote me any letters back in the day, eh?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Quote of the Year

It's ironic, given the attacks leveled at me recently, how some in the media are so quick to scrutinize -- and distort -- the words and actions of a grieving mother but not the words and actions of the president of the United States.

This comes from Cindy Sheehan. You no dounbt know the story, so I'm not going to bore you with the yada on that one. I just felt the need to speak out in her support while the blathering boneheads on television continue to question her and talk about her as if she is some whackjob nutcase.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Justice Redux

Oh, goody! If I get up early enough, I can maybe get a good seat for Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and this Honorable Court! They'll be filming just up the street in Nashville at Two Rivers Baptist Church.

Insert vomit icon here -------->

I do have to laugh that the senior senator from Tennessee hasn't been asked to speak this time around. It makes me very happy to think of the wailing and gnashing of teeth that must be going on in both camps as a result of the latest pissing mathces that Frist and the FRC are having over stem cells and the like. Frist's presidential dreams are swirling in the bowl and it's just perfectly perfect, if you ask me. That's what happens when one panders to hard to one side for too long. Eventually you have to either give in completely or snap back up before you break. He snapped back to the middle and it's going to cost him. Hugely.