Deep Eh
Well, I would have commented on so many things lately, but I've been somewhat overwhelmed with Pedro the puppy, the end of school, dealing with impending knee surgery and other lifey things that I've not really been able to post here much. I haven't really been able to watch television that much, for that matter. I've been sort of out of the news loop. I did manage to catch a bit of the breaking news about the infamous Deep Throat today, though, and I have to say that it was a bit anti-climactic. I don't know who I thought it was going to be. I mean, I read All the President's Men and Blind Ambition and whatever the sequel to APM was. I used to be fairly well-educated on the whole affair, but I sort of hoped for someone a bit more earth shattering than W. Mark Felt. I'm not sure who, though. I think the mystery of it was what was so...well, mysterious. It was what made the story so intriguing. Now it's very much like I've seen the wizard behind the curtain in Oz. Just an ordinary guy. Kind of eh. A disgruntled FBIer who got passed over for a promotion. Eh. Wouldn't it have been really crazy if it WAS Diane Sawyer? I mean, I know it wasn't even remotely likely, but wouldn't that have been a much better story than W. Mark Felt? And who goes by their first initial anyway? I've never actually understood that. If you want to go by your middle name, then fine. Do that. But if you choose to do that, then you just have to drop the whole inital thing altogether. You don't get one. He should be Mark Felt. But I digress.
What I really found rather odd and, I have to say, low class, was his daughter's comment that he "could make enough money to pay some bills, like the debt (she'd) run up for the children's education." Um, hello? Could you look a little less money-grubbing? The man isn't looking especially mentally fit to begin with (okay, I'll say it...he looks daft in the pictures that they are releasing. Positively nutcase crazy in the more flattering and batshit gone in the least) and now his daughter is popping off about spending his royalties on her expenses? It strikes me as being in incredibly poor taste that they are even mentioning money. If he is this great American hero that they are so obviously trying to portray him to be, then let him be that. The story will stand on that and people will buy it. Why would they flap on about having him talk before he dies so he can make some money off of it? Who do they think that will endear him to?
It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out in the media over the next few days. I'm sure we'll see it beaten to death, resurrected and then crucfied again before it's all over with. Me, I think I'll go see if I can find my copy of All the President's Men again...or maybe not.
What I really found rather odd and, I have to say, low class, was his daughter's comment that he "could make enough money to pay some bills, like the debt (she'd) run up for the children's education." Um, hello? Could you look a little less money-grubbing? The man isn't looking especially mentally fit to begin with (okay, I'll say it...he looks daft in the pictures that they are releasing. Positively nutcase crazy in the more flattering and batshit gone in the least) and now his daughter is popping off about spending his royalties on her expenses? It strikes me as being in incredibly poor taste that they are even mentioning money. If he is this great American hero that they are so obviously trying to portray him to be, then let him be that. The story will stand on that and people will buy it. Why would they flap on about having him talk before he dies so he can make some money off of it? Who do they think that will endear him to?
It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out in the media over the next few days. I'm sure we'll see it beaten to death, resurrected and then crucfied again before it's all over with. Me, I think I'll go see if I can find my copy of All the President's Men again...or maybe not.